Set Up a Streaming Media Server – Pt. 7 – Install Plex

Now we’ll install Plex! This indexes all the media and allows your devices to stream video from your server.
We’ll download Plex into the temporary directory and install some prerequisites. You’ll want to go to the Plex download site, under Plex Media Server click Computer, select Linux, then under Ubuntu, copy the link for the 64-bit download. We’ll use that as the path to download the current version of Plex.
cd /tmp wget
You’ll want to replace the link in this tutorial with what you copied down. Now we’ll install some prerequisites. You’ll most likely get some kind of error during this, but it will be fixed when running “sudo apt-get -f install”.
sudo apt-get install -y avahi-daemon avahi-utils sudo apt-get -f install sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.
After this, Plex should be running!
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